Monday, May 23, 2011


So I know my last update was fast and bi-curious but this one will be a little more mellow because I'm not AS excited, but still like two strokes away from finishing.

This weekend was SUPER ART FIGHT IDOL and it was so much fun. I met a ton of people, ate a ton of food, stayed at an amazing hotel, and most importantly got my draw on. I know this sounds kind of retarded, but the people I drew with and met up with this past weekend feel like life long friends and I've met them in person only once.

Totally stoked.

Here are some pictures I captured on my phone during the event. Jes has more pictures on her camera but we need to find the cord before we can upload them. So I'll post those later.
These are the 3 Winners. Daryl, Henry, and Monica. This will lead into the FIRST EVER 3 man (or woman) battle in Super Art Fight. It'll happen in AUGUST. I WILL be there. Cheering on Henry, the man who beat me.
Monica & Daryl fighting in the final round! Baby seals clubbing vs Trash of the Titans
The very beginning of Daryl and Monica's fight. The clubbing seals and Titans are clearly visible.
Super shitty picture of the brackets, if you look closely you can see that I suck. First round knock out to the man who will be champion isn't bad though.
Mark vs Monica. This was a semi-final. It was the CLEANEST canvas of the night. All the artwork was visible and a-fucking-dorable.
Epic Battle between Felipe & Daryl. Daryl won this with the fish net stocking on the leg.
The beginning of Daryl vs Felipe. Yes that's Admiral Ackbar as a heart, and Yoshi with cock mouth.
This is Joe's bondage batman. In his semifinal appearance against Henry.
Henry vs. Joe. Battle of the giants. Nightmare shark vs. Bondage Batman.
Mark vs Rob. Mark's a cowboy in real life, he drew green lantern.
Rob's a midget and a Scarecrow/Wolverine Hybrid. He drew a Cthulhu Kid & Play
GIRL FIGHT! Monica and Ashley did AMAZING work. Plus. They're hot.
It was portal (for Ashley) and T-rex on a skateboard (for monica)
Charm City Shinobi vs Felipe. Felipe won on the strength of his babies holding a giant vibrating cock battering ram.
Mike of The Cow Comic fame: vs Jeff Eoff. Jeff won with a penis bat.
End of round one. Zach vs Joe. First battle and we were ALL nervous. I'm surprised Joe didn't accidentally kill anyone.
Joe ponders cocktapuss.
Might Morphin Power Rangers vs. Squid Bro.
This is the night before we met up, got drinks, food, and hung out while people pee'ed into Baltimore Harbor. I couldn't have asked for a better time. I'm so glad I did this, and I'm also looking forward to getting tattoo'ed by Daryl.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another update.



In other news, I'm doing Super Art Fight this weekend in Baltimore. I think I spammed it on facebook, so if you're friends with me there, you can read it there. Or try this link: but that probably won't work.

So since I'm going to assume that you're either too lazy to click links or are complete figments of my imagination here's a brief description of what will be happening on Saturday. Myself and 15 other artists will be stood in front of large pieces of canvas and start drawing with Sharpie Magnum Markers. If you don't know what that is, google it. Then we will be given a topic, which we then have to begin drawing and do it QUICKLY so once your finished you can attack your competitors canvas. The idea is not only to draw well but to entertain the crowd and mock your opponent.

My first opponent is Henry Alexander, here is his deviant art page: and his own personal page And now his drawing that was in response to my sketches, which by the way is hilaarious.

Here's my practicing, all with marker except the photoshop pieces, which are obviously done in photoshop on my wacom tablet. Oh and a comic I did in college.

Here is what started it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

At Henry Alexander

I listened to your podcast and I heard you loud and clear sir!


Also while listening I used your talk as ideas. So this practice was the duration of your podcast. Which was funnier than my podcast so I hate you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Take two.

Huge news.

So all six people who read this get ready to have your panties blown the fuck off. I mean there's probably some other way for me to say all of this but I'm in a rush to go walk my dogs and get to sleep.

So I got accepted to be in Super Art Fight Idol which is in Baltimore MD this weekend and I'm fucking STOKED. I've been trying to practice the past 2 nights to get ready for it, but I need random topics. If you have ideas you can either post 'em in the comments or tweet me at my aptly titled peetsketches account.

Here are the two practices from tonight. Whatcha think? Also tomorrow I'll link my first competitor!