Ok, so today I'll be drawing later, but since I didn't have to work I'm going to be updating now and blahblahblah you don't care. Anywho, this update is going to show how I work from start to finish. I'm only going to post the process of 1 painting up here and on my facebook "fan" page I'll be posting this update AND another painting from beginning to end. If you wanna see it click on the little facebook icon thing on the right. Anyways without further adieu, here goes nothin'!
I usually draw everything on paper first, with color ideas and title ideas:

Then I draw it out onto canvas using a regular pencil:


Then after a few little details and minor little alterations that no one will notice except me..the finished product!

Title: "It Ain't Shinola"
Size: 24"x24"
Medium: Water Based Oil Paint, Acrylic, Marker