For Kindergarten! I loved doing this one!
Ms. Spider's Tea Party. It looks cool but I'm deathly afraid of spiders.
This was for the Kindergarten kids as well, they loved it. I love my job.
This is the other art teacher in my school, me, and my student teacher
in front of the most recent school play scenery. Also keep in mind that I'm 6'3". Each
one of those boards is 7' tall and 3.5' wide. They're painted on both sides and I fill them 5 times a year. This is why I'm ALWAYS busy.

A Charlie Brown play that I forget the name too.
This was for "Sealed With A Kiss" which was
based on the Little Mermaid for our Kindergarten kids.
I decided to make up my own poorly drawn Cooperstown
Baseball Hall of Fame. The real thing is BORING architecturally, so I
didn't feel bad butchering it this way.
Cartoony kids playing in a sandlot. Which is also the best movie ever.

The full scenery with me blocking it.

I apologize in advance for this but I REALLY like it and I'm REALLY proud of it. I also posted it on the podcast site that no one ever checks so I don't feel bad reposting it here. Totally stoked on this.

I love love love love love this!
I mean check out my podcast on iTunes or on
i love your work. you are a brilliant and talented man. and the guy in jail looks familiar.....